Professors and researchers

First name Last name Role Department Home
Valeria Pepe Dottorando Department of Engineering (DING) home
Carmen Perugia Professore Associato Department of Science and Technology (DST) home
Paolo Puri Professore Associato Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM) home
Salvatore Rampone Professore Associato Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM) home
Sergio Rapuano Professore Ordinario Department of Engineering (DING) home
Paola Revellino Professore Associato Department of Science and Technology (DST) home
Armando Ricciardi Professore Associato Department of Engineering (DING) home
Carlo Roselli Professore Associato Department of Engineering (DING) home
Silvia Ruggiero Ricercatore Department of Engineering (DING) home
Matteo Savino Professore Ordinario Department of Engineering (DING) home