Degree courses
Three-year and master degree programs active in the departments of the University of Sannio
Three-year and master degree programs active in the departments of the University of Sannio
Active since 2001, from the academic year 2014/2015 the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering has been offered in an Interateneo mode with the University of Molise, governed by a conventional act that allows the release of the joint degree. This organization makes it possible to take advantage of the synergy resulting from the presence of facilities (classrooms, laboratories, internships) existing in the two universities, as well as the possibility of guaranteeing the student a broader educational offer. Since its activation, the degree program has always pursued educational objectives consistent with the professional profile, identified on the basis of the needs of the productive world. This has also been possible through consultation with the social stakeholders most directly concerned (professional firms, construction companies, companies). In fact, the Course is aimed at training a figure of civil engineer with transversal skills in the various characterizing sectors: geotechnics, structures, hydraulic constructions, road networks and transport, building construction, urban planning, equipment, and architectural design. Therefore, the civil engineering graduate finds his or her place of employment in engineering design companies and in construction and maintenance companies for structures, buildings, plants and infrastructures, in the direction and management of construction sites, in technical-commercial structures, in service companies and agencies, and in public administrations for the planning, management and control of urban and territorial projects and services. In terms of educational offerings, there are two branches, general and building, which are organized as follows: in the first year, common to both branches, the disciplines of mathematics, physics, computer science, materials science and technology, and drawing are addressed; in the second year, the teachings of hydraulics, geotechnics, and construction science are introduced, and also transportation, urban planning, and road construction for the general branch, history of architecture, technical architecture, and architectural design for the building branch. Technical physics and climatology of the built environment add green building skills; the third year channels the acquired skills toward application to basic problems and simple systems, with the design of reinforced concrete and steel structures, foundations, and retaining structures; finally, the general address is completed with hydraulic construction, and the building branch with land design and urban planning.
Teaching is organized into 20 teaching courses. The choice of SSDs and CFUs assigned to the different educational activities and the final examination is aimed at the acquisition of the educational objectives described above. The characterizing areas and training credits are mostly covered by internal teaching staff, so as to ensure teaching continuity in the lectures. There are also, in addition to departmental facilities common to other degree programs, specific laboratories in which teaching and advanced research activities are carried out. An internship is included in the educational offer, which takes place, also thanks to the stipulation of specific conventions or protocols of understanding (e.g., with ANCE), generally at external companies and professional firms.
At the end of the course of study, the graduate can complete his or her education by joining one of the master's degree programs activated at the two universities.
The of Computer Engineering Degree aims at educating professionals with a basic cultural background, a knowledge spanning different areas of engineering, and deep competence in computer science, with the twofold purpose of fostering an effective inclusion in the world of work shortly and to build a solid basis for a following detailed study at upper levels of the education path.
The education profile of the graduate in Computer Engineering is designed for allowing the graduate to be suddenly able to take part to tasks like design,implementation, production, deployment, and maintenance of elaboration systems and networks of computers, software systems, and industry automation systems; supervision and management of organizations and laboratories operating in the area of computer science and enterprise information systems; support tasks to planning, promotion, and sales of software or hardware products and services along with technical support.
The first year includes the study of the basic disciplines in the area of mathematics, physics, and computer science, organization management, along with the study of English.
The second year includes, beyond the detailed study of computer science, the study of automation engineering, electrotechnics, electronics and telecommunication.
The third year, beyond a further detailed study of computer science and electronic measures, includes two alternative orientations, one towards the computer engineering while the other one towards automation engineering.
The education curriculum is completed with exams at the student’s choice, and, optionally with an external apprenticeship.
L'evoluzione dei fenomeni e delle interazioni sociali (particolarmente complessa nell'era digitale) ha avuto significative ripercussioni sull'assetto, sulla struttura e sulle funzioni gestionali ed esecutive delle organizzazioni pubbliche e private.
In questa prospettiva, il Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell'amministrazione digitale intende offrire una solida formazione multidisciplinare, in ambito storico-politologico, sociologico, economico-gestionale, giuridico, informatico e organizzativo, che possa favorire, attraverso l'utilizzo degli strumenti dell'innovazione tecnologica, lo sviluppo di capacità di analisi dei sistemi sociali e degli assetti organizzativi complessi; di interpretazione dei cambiamenti e delle innovazioni in atto nelle amministrazioni pubbliche e private; di assistenza professionale nelle attività di progettazione e implementazione di iniziative finalizzate a promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile in ambito economico, giuridico e sociale.
Il percorso didattico mira a fornire non solo saperi disciplinari, ma anche abilità, competenze, metodologie, know-how gestionale e strumenti concettuali, volti a orientare gli studenti nelle scelte e decisioni in ambienti complessi e a formare laureati in grado di operare efficacemente in amministrazioni e organizzazioni pubbliche e private.
Per quanto concerne le modalità di svolgimento, il Corso di Laurea è caratterizzato dall'erogazione di attività formative a distanza (modalità online), con l'obiettivo di soddisfare le esigenze di coloro i quali non possono frequentare le lezioni a causa degli impegni lavorativi (c.d. studenti lavoratori).
The Degree in Energy Engineering of the University of Sannio, still unique of its kind in Campania region, has been active since academic year 2001/02, and derives from the transformation of a Diploma activated a year before.
The course deals with the very topical issues related to energy management, and therefore the containment of primary and final energy consumption, the need for greater diffusion of technologies to exploit renewable sources and the containment of polluting emissions. These issues, although widely investigated, are still scarcely diffused in the territory and consequently only partially usable by the community, even if they are deeply felt by the citizens and by the companies that are maturing an awareness of sustainable development.
The design of the Degree Course in Energy Engineering has been directed towards highly interdisciplinary cultural contents, in order to ensure a wide spectrum of professional skills, consistent with the multiplicity of aspects that an energy engineer is called to deal with.
The training course is mainly focused on the cultural contents of the areas that characterize energy engineering related to chemical engineering (Plants and Processes), electrical engineering (Electrotechnics, Measurements and Systems) and obviously energy (Applied Thermodynamics and Machines). The engineering education of the student is completed with the acquisition of elements of the industrial field (Industrial Plants and Mechanical Engineering "sensu side") and cultural contributions typical of basic education (Mathematics, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science), as well as of great transversality attributable to the Civil Engineering sector.
The course allows to undertake higher-level studies, such as a Master Degree, or to find satisfying job placements in the industrial sector (energy plants, "production", supply and distribution of energy vectors), civil (plant engineering, energy certification of buildings) and of public and private services (Energy Service Company, energy manager), in relation to the multiple activities of planning, management and use of energy resources in compliance with regulatory, economic and environmental constraints.
The Professors and the Researchers involved in the Degree carry out an intense scientific activity, with the production of scientific publications of national and international relevance. They also operate, often with coordination roles, within transactional research groups, and continuously update their body of knowledge with periods of study and research abroad. They have contributed to the transfer of their knowledge also with a constant interaction with the pertinent territory through the tools of agreements with public and private bodies.
Students and Professors of the Degree Course in Energy Engineering use laboratories located in three building complexes in the historic center of Benevento ("Palazzo ex-INPS", "San Vittorino" and Technical Institute "G. Galilei"), for various activities related to research, thesis preparation and practical exercises dedicated to the three main thematic areas of the course (Chemistry, Electrical and Thermal Engineering).
Il Corso di Laurea in Geologia per la sostenibilità ambientale (classe L-34, Scienze Geologiche) ha durata di tre anni accademici ed è costruito per aiutare lo studente ad accedere al mondo del lavoro o a studi di livello superiore.
In questo Corso di Laurea si realizza una completa integrazione tra le conoscenze teoriche e quelle pratiche, in laboratorio e sul campo. Ciò è testimoniato dai periodi che saranno trascorsi in escursioni guidate sul campo, ossia le campagne geologiche, durante le quali si avrà modo di confrontarsi direttamente con i diversi ambienti geologici ed i processi che li regolano. La campagna geologica è anche un’occasione per approfondire e mettere in pratica le conoscenze che si acquisiscono in aula.
Il Corso di Laurea fornisce conoscenze in matematica, fisica e chimica così che si potranno descrivere ed interpretare i fenomeni e i processi geologici in modo quantitativo. Con questo bagaglio si è pronti ad incontrare le discipline delle Scienze della Terra (geografia fisica e geomorfologia, mineralogia, paleontologia, geologia, petrografia, geochimica, cartografia geologica, geofisica, geologia applicata e idrogeologia) e si potranno approfondire le conoscenze in determinate materie mediante gli insegnamenti a scelta.
Potranno svolgersi attività esterne, come tirocini formativi presso enti ed aziende, oppure sono possibili soggiorni di studio presso altre università, europee ed extra-europee.
Sotto il profilo professionale, la preparazione di base dei laureati in Geologia per la sostenibilità ambientale consente di rispondere a richieste di impiego in vari settori pubblici e privati. La libera professione, inoltre, regolamentata dal DPR 328/2001, permette ai laureati triennali l'iscrizione, dopo il superamento di un esame di stato, a un apposito albo nazionale con la qualifica di "Geologo junior" (Categoria "Junior" o Sezione B dell'Albo professionale dei Geologi).
In generale, il Corso di Studio prepara alla professione di Geologo junior s.l. e relative professioni correlate.
Il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Naturali, Geologiche ed Ambientali è strutturato per aiutarti ad accedere al mondo del lavoro o a studi di livello superiore. Esso offre una formazione culturale orientata a descrivere ed interpretare, con metodo scientifico, i fenomeni naturali per la gestione, la valorizzazione e la salvaguardia dell'ambiente nel complesso delle sue differenti componenti biotiche ed abiotiche. Il Corso di Laurea Interclasse in Scienze Naturali, Geologiche e Ambientali (L-32 – L-34) è articolato in tre anni e prevede insegnamenti di base, caratterizzanti e affini oltre ad insegnamenti a scelta dello studente. Il Corso ha nei suoi presupposti la formazione di una figura professionale che corrisponda alle direttive della Comunità Europea in tema di sostenibilità ambientale e transizione ecologica attraverso il raccordo trasversale tra discipline geologiche e naturalistiche, con opportunità imprenditoriali nei settori del ripristino della Natura e delle infrastrutture verdi e blu. L’obiettivo è perseguito attraverso l’erogazione di una didattica che rafforzi le competenze multidisciplinari in campo ambientale, fondata sulla conoscenza approfondita delle Scienze Geologiche e delle Scienze della Natura. Ogni insegnamento comprende lezioni e attività didattiche integrative (esercitazioni, seminari, attività di campo, visite tecniche ecc.). Le attività formative sono organizzate in semestri. Le discipline caratterizzanti, che riguardano le discipline dell’ordinamento L-32 e quelle dell’ordinamento L-34 oltre alle discipline di base sono distribuite nell'arco dei tre anni. Nell'anno conclusivo del corso sono previste attività formative a scelta libera che insieme alle attività di laboratorio e di campo e ad altre attività formative utili per l’ingresso nel mondo del lavoro assicurano un percorso di studio flessibile e personalizzato. È altresì previsto uno specifico spazio per la preparazione dell'elaborato finale e per il tirocinio da svolgere nei laboratori del DST o in alternativa presso enti/aziende/musei/parchi convenzionati.
The Interateneo Master's Degree Course in Civil Engineering was born in 2009 from the transformation of the Course in Civil Engineering activated in 2006, on the basis of a cultural project in agreement with the University of Naples Federico II. This agreement makes it possible to broaden the spectrum of expertise available on teaching and also to make available to students the research facilities (laboratories) of the University of Naples. In this regard, it should be noted that the educational objectives of the degree course are different from those of the master's degrees of the same class activated at the University of Naples, representing for both universities a completion and complementarity. In fact, the degree course activated at the University of Sannio is characterized by a broader-ranging in-depth study in the sphere of the themes proper to civil engineering, while at the Neapolitan university the educational offer is more specific in individual sectors (two different master's degrees for Structures and Geotechnics or for Hydraulic Systems and Transport). This cultural project has gained significant recognition from the social partners interviewed and a high percentage of employment of master's graduates, thanks to the training of very flexible professionals, able to take advantage of job opportunities related to all types of civil engineering works and services. Such versatility is particularly important in times of labor market crisis, in which, on the contrary, excessive specialization and sectorization can be an obstacle. The same consideration applies in the training of coordinating and managerial figures (especially in local authorities and small companies/enterprises), which require a high professional profile but, at the same time, broad enough to handle all the problems that may arise. Since this is a master's degree, however, a slightly more pronounced connotation has been identified in the area of earthquake engineering, in view of the well-known problems of seismic risk present in Italy, both with regard to new constructions and existing buildings and structures. This need is particularly felt in the Samnite territory, which is, as is well known, at high seismic risk.
The training offer proposes, in the first year, the deepening of the methodological-operational tools of mathematics, as well as skills in the field of hydraulic infrastructures, transportation systems and the government of urban and territorial transformations. It also begins the specialization path in earthquake engineering with the dynamics of structures and masonry construction; this path will be completed in the second year with reinforced concrete and steel construction and soil dynamics. Finally, tools are provided to address design and methodological aspects related to building systems, with a view to an energy-sustainable approach in the construction sector.
The Master Degree in Computer Engineering provides the student with an education of advanced level and allows the student to practice a job of upper degree qualification in specific areas. The applications of computer science are in continuous growth and diversification and are going to be characterized by a strong component of research and industrial development. The Master graduate in Computer Engineering is required to have a specific cultural profile in the area of information elaboration systems, with the ability of using knowledge, methodologies, and technologies that are widely consolidated. The education purposes of the Master degree in Computer Engineering is headed to the achievement of a solid basic education, both on methods and technologies of information elaboration systems, that, even if open to further detailed studies in PhD courses and Second Level Master courses, allows the MSC graduate to carry out tasks that require the ability of applying rigorously the scientific method and an interdisciplinary approach. The Master Degree includes the detailed study of engineering disciplines and the completion of the methodologic and technologic knowledge in the area of computer and information engineering. At the end of the study path, the Master graduate in Computer Engineering will have acquired outstanding abilities in developing advanced systems with innovative properties not only in the computer area, but also design abilities in all the areas of Information Engineering.
The Master Degree in Energy Engineering was created in 2009, transforming the "Specialist Degree" Course of the same denomination, activated in 2006. The Course is the result of a cultural project that led to the stipulation of an agreement between the University of Sannio and the University of Naples Federico II: despite the fact that the course is based in Benevento, the agreement with the Federico II University makes it possible to broaden the spectrum of skills available for teaching, and also to make research facilities (laboratories) of the University of Naples available to students.
That said, the cultural structure of the Master Degree offers a broad and balanced spectrum in the three main reference areas (chemical, electrical and thermomechanical engineering). The course is therefore aimed at forming an engineer operating as a self-employed professional/consultant or as an employee of public and private institutions, with a complete preparation in the sector, capable of entering into operational context that are very diversified in terms of dimensions and types, and are characterized by rapid evolution both from the technological point of view and from that of work organization.
The curricular activities related to the basic disciplines are aimed at integrating the methodological and operational knowledge of mathematics and other basic sciences, bringing them to a level sufficient to face problems of modeling and experimental analysis of the complex physical and chemical phenomena involved in energy transformations.
Characterizing and related training activities provide the methodological and operational knowledge of energy engineering and allow the attainment of a good degree of in-depth analysis of some specific problems, also taking into account innovative technologies and the most up-to-date analysis tools.
At the end of the course of studies, the graduate in energy engineering will know in depth the theoretical and scientific aspects of both mathematics and other basic sciences and engineering, with particular reference to those of energy engineering, in which it is capable of identifying, formulating and solving, even in an innovative way, complex problems or those requiring an interdisciplinary approach. He/she will also be able to conceive, plan, design and manage complex and / or innovative systems, processes and services, using adequate and up-to-date methods, techniques and tools, while at the same time presenting the issues relating to safety and compliance with the environment and territory, aspects of corporate culture and professional ethics.
With reference to professional skills, the course aims at a deepening of knowledge mainly in the field of planning, analysis and control of civil and industrial energy plants. Outgoing preparation involves the knowledge of at least one European Union language in addition to Italian, and adequate computer skills that enable the graduate to use the tools currently available and to follow the evolution of technologies in the information sector.
The teaching activity normally includes 60 credits per year, for a total of 120 credits in total. In the annual manifesto of the studies it is specified the detail of this activity, which includes lectures, exercises, laboratory and planning activities, seminars, tutoring, orientation, internship. Teaching is carried out making extensive use of laboratory activities relating to the various disciplines. Students are often asked to develop papers in application of the skills they have acquired, as well as to draw up their reports, encouraging them to work in groups.
The exams are usually individual.
The final exam consists in the preparation and public discussion, in the presence of a specially appointed commission, of an individually written thesis, in which a topic characterizing the chosen cultural and/or professional profile has been developed under the guidance of a supervisor. The preparation of the thesis may require the performance of research, design and laboratory activities. The student must demonstrate to have achieved a good mastery of the topics, to have achieved the ability to operate independently, to be able to communicate effectively and briefly the main results obtained, and to know how to support an adversarial process.
Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Natura Curriculum SCIENZE E CONSERVAZIONE DELLA NATURA ti fornisce conoscenze integrate e competenze nell’analisi e nella gestione degli ecosistemi, nella tutela degli organismi animali, vegetali e della biodiversità, nella conoscenza dell'ambiente e del territorio e delle evoluzioni dinamiche indotte dalle attività̀ antropiche, degli impatti del cambiamento climatico e delle strategie da mettere in atto per la loro riduzione. Avrai contezza delle innovazioni più recenti nel campo della riqualificazione ambientale ecocompatibile e delle tecnologie innovative per la modellizzazione dei pattern di presenza e distribuzione spaziale e temporale delle specie animali e vegetali e l’influenza dei fattori biotici, abiotici e antropici. Ciò migliorerà le pratiche di gestione, permettendoti di poter pianificare interventi di conservazione del territorio e delle specie autoctone che lo occupano. Inoltre, lo studio delle componenti la biodiversità dell’ecosistema sarà utile ai fini della tutela di specie ed ecosistemi di interesse conservazionistico.
Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Natura Curriculum DIDATTICA DELLE SCIENZE DELLA NATURA ti permetterà di acquisire le prospettive di una moderna museologia naturalistica ed i concetti fondamentali di una moderna didattica delle Scienze della Natura uniti ad una elevata preparazione sia scientifica che operativa. Infatti, studierai i fondamenti teorici e metodologici necessari ad operare in strutture dedicate all’educazione e alla divulgazione scientifica in un contesto contemporaneo e affronterai le problematiche generali della didattica scientifico-naturalistica. In particolare, acquisirai un’approfondita conoscenza delle discipline finalizzate alla divulgazione e alla didattica delle Scienze Naturali; gli strumenti per un approccio metodologico e tecnologico per la didattica delle biogeoscienze, per la didattica laboratoriale e l’esperienza in campo e le metodologie e tecnologie didattiche per lo studio del rapporto delle biogeoscienze con la società attuale (educazione ambientale, uso sostenibile delle risorse, prevenzione dei rischi naturali, conservazione dei beni naturali).