Engineering Department: courses are starting on September 23rd


At the end of September the Engineering Department of the University of Sannio will be able to count on the renovated classrooms of the former Convent of the Orsoline in Via Rummo. The confirmation comes from the director of DING Umberto Villano. In fact, the works for the arrangement of a wing on the ground floor of the structure granted by the Municipality of Benevento to the university are almost completed. "The area created in the structure close to Piazza Roma where most of the engineering activities are currently concentrated - explained prof. Villano - will allow us to expand our spaces to better accommodate new students. In about three years we plan to completely redevelop the building, at which point we will also be able to count on new large and modern study areas and laboratories ". At the moment, the lessons of some of the second-year Engineering students will be hosted in via Rummo. The courses will start next September 23rd. Previously, the mathematics pre-course will be held between 9 and 20 September. Students who have not successfully passed the entry test will have to fill their additional training obligations by attending the mathematics pre-course and passing the relevant exam.

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