Unisannio at DYSES 2018
DySES (Dynamics of Socio Economic Systems) 2018: Systemic Risk.
Paris 1 La Sorbonne October 9-12, 2018. (http://www.dyses2018.org)
DySES (Dynamics of Socio Economic Systems) 2018 will be held at the University Paris 1 La Sorbonne next October 9-12.
The Conference has been organized by the University Paris 1 La Sorbonne mainly cooperating with the University of Sannio at Benevento ( Italy); it has also received the support, sponsorization and scientific contributes by several academic and economic institutions.
The Conference will focus on systemic risk, in the framework of complex systems.
Prestigious relators will partecipate, coming from several countries; selected papers will be published with a high level editorial collocation.
A delegation composed of the ambassador Emeritus Francesco Caruso, the Deputy rector of The University of Sannio Professor Massimo Squillante, Professor Pierpaolo Forte member of the Dyses scientific committee, and Jorgen Vitting-Andersen of the University of Paris 1 La Sorbonne and CNRS, will be received by the Ambassador of Italy in France, Teresa Castaldo to discuss, together with representatives representatives of UNESCO and OECD, both social and cultural matters related to the conference topics and future cooperation.
A major cultural event has been organized within the conference programme: A Piano concert given by Maestro David Carfì; the concert has received the patronage of CADMUS (Consortium of the Friends of Music of the University of Sannio ) of which Maestro Carfì is an Honorary member.
Dyses conferences have been successfully hold in the past in Usuhaja and Pinamar
( Argentina ), Benevento (Italy), Sevilla ( Spain), L’Havana (Cuba).
The conference will provide a unique opportunity for practitioners, academics, regulators to join forces, exchanging on both theoretical and empirical grounds new ideas and tools. Round tables and a gala dinner are meant to encourage networking between the participants.One of the aims of the Conference is also to build a permanent network collecting people and institutions interested to manage the analysis of socio-economic systems and to propose solutions for the related problems. Some proposals for next meetings and initiatives have been already indicated and will be discussed in Paris.