A20220614 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
PhD competition in Person, Markets, Institution, cycle XXXVIII - evaluation of the interview |
A20220602 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
PhD Competition in Science and Technologies for Environment and Health - Evaluation ofbthe interview |
S20220235 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
PhD Competition in Person, Market, Institutions, cycle XXXVIII - schedule of interview on 7 November for ordinary and additional positions |
S20220234 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
Concorso Persona, Mercato, Istituzioni, ciclo XXXVIII - esiti valutazioni prove scritte |
S20220230 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
PhD Competition in Person, Market, Institutions, cycle XXXVIII - evaluation of the qualifications of the candidates who have taken the written test |
S20220228 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
Concorso Dottorato Persona, Mercato, Istituzioni, ciclo XXXVIII - errata corrige calendario convocazioni prove selettive |