A20210594 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
PhD in Person, Market, Institutions, cycle XXXVII - Final rankings |
A20210581 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e la Salute, ciclo XXXVII - graduatoria generale di merito - PhD in STAS XXXVII - Final Ranking |
A20210559 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
Concorso Dottorato in Persona, Mercato, Istituzioni, ciclo XXXVII - valutazione titoli e esiti prova scritta posti riservati a borsisti di stati esteri |
A20210558 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
PhD competition in Person, Market, Institutions, cycle XXXVII - evaluation of qualifications and written test results for foreign candidates for ordinary positions. |
A20210553 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
PhD Competition in Person, Market, Institutions, cycle XXXVII - results of the oral exam of candidates for ordinary positions |
A20210544 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
PhD Competition in PMI, cycle XXXVII - Notice of selection procedures |