The 400 Jews who fled the Nazis with a ship
The 400 Jews who fled the Nazis with a ship
On 12 April 2022 at 4 pm in the Aula Ciardiello, in Via delle Puglie 82, in the context of the cultural activities of the DEMM Department of the University of Sannio, the meeting will be held The 400 Jews who fled from the Nazis with a ship.
The debate, moderated by Enza Nunziato, journalist and expert on the Shoah, will be attended by: Massimo Squillante, director of DEMM, Antonella Tartaglia Polcini, coordinator of the PhD and councilor for Culture of the City of Benevento, Aglaia McClintock, professor of Roman law and guarantor of the students of the University of Sannio, Giuseppe Mastrominico, historian of law and vice-president of the National Union for the Fight against Illiteracy, Adelaide Caravaglios, historian of Roman law and research fellow of the University of Sannio and Antonio Salvati, magistrate, writer and creator of the “National Festival of Law and Literature Citta di Palmi”.
The meeting stems from the recent novel by Antonio Salvati: Pentcho published for the types of Castelvecchi in 2021. The novel, inspired by a true story, tells through the voice of the protagonists the flight, along the Danube, of 400 Jews from different countries. nality from a Bratislava now resigned to the Nazi invasion. With a shabby boat with an unlikely name, Pentcho, after having traveled the entire course of the river, they aim to even reach Palestine. Instead, endless vicissitudes will lead them to Calabria, to Ferramonti, the main concentration camp for foreign Jews in Italy. The names, professions and personal data of the characters are real, the events of the journey really happened, the pain and hope that accompanied it are real: everything else is pure invention.