Digital technologies, employers 'powers and workers' rights
Digital technologies, employers 'powers and workers' rights
"Digital technologies, employers' powers and workers' rights" is the theme of the seminar scheduled for 8 April 2022 at 4.30 pm at the Reading Room of the DEMM Department in Piazza Arechi II in Benevento.
Digital technologies have the ability to produce a real economic and social revolution. They present opportunities for progress and development, but also pitfalls for the person who works, especially in the context of unregulated global competition and close and persistent economic crises, such as that triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. By affecting the intensity of the hierarchical constraints and the nature and methods of exercising the powers of the entrepreneur towards those who lend work in any capacity, it is necessary to question the specific risks that derive from them for the realization of the principles of dignity, freedom and security sanctioned by the Constitution, and on what are the responses of the legal system in terms of the delimitation of those powers and the guarantee of those principles.
The aim of the seminar, with the focus on the most relevant and current aspects, is to help reflect both on the specific assets determined by the digital revolution in work and on current and potential regulatory techniques, balancing rights and job protection. economically and contractually weak (subordinate and not). Having set the reflection on the concreteness and topicality of the issues, the study day also aims to extend the point of view on new models of work relations, which are based on a clearer and more rational coexistence between uniformity and variety of rules "well temperate ".