University: for a future-proof country
University: for a future-proof country
In the last two years, Italy has faced and is facing, with resilience, a dramatic health emergency that still leads today to face a profound economic and social crisis.
The pandemic, however, was also a very strong accelerator of trends already underway and opened up new, enormous and unprecedented opportunities. One, the largest, is called Next Generation EU. The challenges and objectives that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan proposes to the country system also affect the university world.
Are we ready to take up the challenges of innovation and sustainability? Are we ready to understand the needs of a constantly evolving labor market?
The Italian university has withstood the shock wave of the pandemic, but the real challenge now comes, at the gates of a season of epochal reforms. So what will the role of academia be in responding to these challenges?
These are some of the questions at the center of the University meeting: for a future-proof country to be held on Friday 12 November from 10:30 am, live streaming on
A comparison between institutions, the business world and universities to analyze and understand the stimuli coming from the socio-cultural and economic fabric and consolidate the role of universities in addressing the crucial challenges that Italy faces.
10: 20-10: 25 Greetings and opening session
10: 25-10: 40 Ferruccio Resta, CRUI President
10: 40-10: 55 Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for the Economy
10: 55-11: 00 Carlo Bonomi, President of Confindustria
11: 00-12: 10 Round table - moderated by Bruno Vespa
Giovanni Brugnoli, Vice President of Confindustria
Mara Carfagna, Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion
Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of the CNR
Vittorio Colao, Minister for technological innovation and digital transition
Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information, Oxford
Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Economic Development
Cristina Messa, Minister of University and Research
Carlo Messina, Managing Director and CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo