U.O. Personale Docenti e Ricercatori
U.O. Personale Docenti e Ricercatori
0824 305044
Aperto al pubblico: lunedì - venerdì dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 12.00
Management of all procedures relating to teaching staff and university researchers, including:
- the procedures for planning staff requirements;
- monitoring the use of functional organizational points to ensure compliance with legislative and ministerial constraints on recruitment policies for teaching and research staff;
- recruitment in all its forms including "direct calls" and the conclusion of agreements with public and private "external" bodies for the financing of posts, careers (expectations, study and research leave, sabbatical year, other absences of various kinds and related measures), redemptions, service replacements, career reconstructions, end-of-service treatment, the investigation of pension payments and the transmission of data on them, including through the implementation of computerized databases to the National Institute for the Retirement of Civil Servants;
- procedures for the granting of authorisations to carry out extra-institutional assignments, including teaching assignments in other universities;
- simultaneous exchange of professors and/or researchers for an indefinite period and agreements for shared use with other universities. Investigation of disciplinary procedures.