RUNIPACE: In Unisannio we discuss Science and Peace
RUNIPACE: In Unisannio we discuss Science and Peace
On Wednesday 9 June 2021 at 11.00, Professor Massimo Squillante will be the speaker of the fourth seminar of the RUNIPACE cycle organized by the University of Sannio in collaboration with the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities. The seminar will take place in the Aula Magna of the DEMM educational center in Via delle Puglie and can also be followed on the UniSannio YouTube channel.
Massimo Squillante is full professor of Mathematical Methods for economics and actuarial and financial sciences, director of the DEMM Department and head of the educational center of the lincei of Benevento. An eclectic and lively scholar, Massimo Squillante is also a member of the Peloritana dei Pericolanti Academy, class of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences and president of CADMUS, the Friends of Music Consortium of the University of Sannio.
One of the strands of his research and teaching activity concerns the contribution that science can make to the progress of society. The seminar on 9 June will focus on exactly this theme.
We will start from the premise that science must not and cannot separate from society; it is the cornerstone of knowledge and as such it must help break down the barriers, obstacles, walls that prevent humanity from living a life worth living: all humanity has a right to it; and for this it must contribute to building peace among peoples. This has not always been the case, not all scientists have worked in this sense. It doesn't have to happen. Paraphrasing the Constitution of the Italian Republic, it must become a reality that: Science repudiates war as an instrument of offense to the freedom of peoples and as a means of resolving disputes.